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Cradle Mountain Tasmania

Norseman to Penong across the Nullabor

We're into November and it was most definitely time to start heading east so we pointed the Ranger toward the Nullabor and headed off, of course with the usual stops at interesting things along the way.

This little campsite was a bit of a lunch stop for us but I felt it deserved a mention. It's hear Norseman and has some beautiful breakaways ringing the area. There is a toilet onsite and some seating, a nice spot for an overnight stop.

We pulled in for the night at the Madura Pass Lookout, lovely quiet spot with great views. Managed to get some really nice sunset pictures then the moon came out and put on a show of it's own. The next morning we headed down to the Madura Caves for a look, the whole area seems to be riddled with cave entrances of varying sizes. We managed to have a good look around some of the larger ones and even convinced one of the nesting sparrows to stand still long enough to get a good picture.

After we crossed into SA our first stop was a roadhouse that has this enormous Kangaroo holding a vegemite jar, because Australians like 'big' things. From there it was off to the Great Australian Bight Lookout 3. Beautiful Ocean Views and another bird, this one a singing honeyeater happy to stand still for his portrait. I did have a lot of fun with the wildlife on this trip lol

A trip across the Nullabor isn't the same without an overnight at Bunda Cliffs. Up until recently there was a bit of free for all camping along here but I'm assuming Council has blocked a lot of it off and pushed everyone into specific campsites which I can understand due to the impact we all make no matter how careful we are. Whatever the reasoning there was plenty of space and we took the obligatory overabundance of sunset pictures of our incredible view. Of course we also got a picture of one of the locals hanging about hoping for some leftovers.

We made if off the Nullabor and stopped in at the Nullabor Roadhouse to fuel up, a short stop but of course we took the time to play tourist and take some pictures of the old building.

We pulled in at Penong to take a break from driving and found ourselves in front of the Windmill museum they have set up which seemed like a good place to wander about and stretch our legs. The outdoor museum has been open since 2016 and they're very proud to be the owners of 'Big Bruce' the largest Windmill in Australia. We did make it down to St Marys Bay but that can wait for the next blog.


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